Repent, Pray, Fast, Believe

I am no prophet. I am a poor sinner in need of God’s mercy and grace every every day. So please know that when I speak these words, I am speaking as much to myself as I am to you.

🔥A mortal sin is a mortal sin is a mortal sin, and the 10 Commandments are still binding, even when we are hurting and angry. Repent, and sin no more.

🔥The ends do not justify the means. Heroic virtue is still heroic, even in the darkest hours, and even if no one is watching. Prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance, faith, hope, and charity. Live heroically.

🔥Satan is the deceiver, and the father of chaos. He will use any advantage to gain hold of our precious, unrepeatable souls. Be wise and prudent, and protect yourself above all from sin. .

🔥Put not your trust in princes. Keep your eyes on your Savior on the Cross. Look next to the Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph and the saints. There are many living men and women who are good and holy, but we may all fall. Be careful of idolizing the living.

🔥There will be some who are irritated by this post. Some will call it tone deaf and others will say I didn’t speak about the right things in the right way. .

That’s okay. They may be right. I don’t know all the answers. I am imperfect.

But one thing I am not wrong about, one thing I believe above every other thing is that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true, and it does not wait. It is as true today, in the midst of pandemics and riots, as it was on a cross on Calvary 2000 years ago. .

Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Believe in the Holy Trinity, and in the truths God has given us through His bride, the Church.


And then be alive in Him, Who holds you and cares for you above all others. .

If you’re interested in a more focused discussion on racism, please follow my friend @kariannafrey on Instagram. I will be joining her efforts to pray and fast over the next 19 days.


Windows and Mirrors

