

This post was originally shared on my Instagram in May of 2020. It is the second of nine posts in the Virtue Series.

I didn’t stage the photo at the bottom of this post. When the little kids noticed their big sisters were gone, they sprinted to catch up. Rather than racing ahead into the surf, though, they instinctively reached to hold hands. They then played joyfully in the shallows, jumping and giggling, but always staying nearby, listening to the wise judgement of their sisters. Inasmuch as pre-age-of-reason kiddos can act virtuously, this showed prudence!

PRUDENCE is right reason in action. It is the virtue that “disposes practical reason to discern our true good in every circumstance and to choose the right means of achieving it.” It’s called the “charioteer of virtues” because it guides all other virtues. (CCC 1806) Some of the opposing traits (vices) are impulsivity, recklessness, ignorance, and fearfulness. .

A prudent act contains 3 parts: good counsel (seeking wise advice), good judgment (considering carefully the situation and praying for wisdom), and command (acting upon good counsel and judgment).

Ways I have struggled with prudence lately:
•being overly fearful
•indulging in alarmism
•seeking counsel that confirms my beliefs and rejecting opposing views out of hand
•talking too much and praying too little
•not following through on certain actions .

Ways I am seeking to grow in prudence:
•limiting my media consumption •carefully discerning advice from a variety of credible sources
•praying more and talking less •making firm decisions to act rightly once a course of action is determined

Final thoughts: “prudential judgment” allows for two people to look at the same situation and make different decisions. This is categorically different from relativism, which says that there is no such thing as objective truth. Catholics are to use prudential judgment in moral situations where Holy Mother Church has not spoken authoritatively on that particular matter. ♥️

Check out the short vide below and then tell me your thoughts on prudence!




The Cardinal Virtues