Birth Classes Starting Monday!
Hey there, friends! How is your Lent going? Mine has been fairly Lent-ish, which is to be expected, of course, but somehow it still always surprises me!
As some of you know, I recently began teaching birth classes again. My next series begins this Monday! If you or anyone you know is due to have a baby in April or May, consider registering for my 6 week course. You can register and see everything the class includes over on my Childbirth Classes page.
If you like reading birth stories, I’ve posted my three oldest kiddos stories. One was a scheduled c-section, one was a hospital VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean), and one was a home birth that was accidentally unassisted! What a wild ride!
For all my c-section mamas, I have offered tips for a gentler cesarean. If you’re hoping for a VBAC, check out my tips here.
If you fell so inclined, I would be grateful if you shared this with friends and families, especially Catholic mamas or soon to be mamas. (My classes are appropriate for both first-time and more experienced mamas.)
I’d like to leave you with a testimony from a couple who had their baby last week. This was a couple with several pregnancy complications that could have led to an extremely intervention-heavy birth:
After gathering my thoughts from this past week and our labor/birth, I want to say thank you from the absolute bottom of my heart for having provided us with the most incredible childbirth class experience. The knowledge that we gained, the prayerfulness brought to our pregnancy, and the communication that it encouraged between [my husband] and I was such a blessing for preparing for birth. Getting my epidural-free birth with as little interventions as possible under our circumstances seemed like a really far off dream at certain points in my pregnancy, but oh my goodness did I achieve it, and it was absolutely beautiful. God has blessed our little family so immensely and I feel so blessed that you were there to educate and empower us. Thank you, thank you, thank you 💕💕💕